jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Essay about the course

This English class was one of my favorite that I have taken in my life, especially by the dynamic it has been. In this course you never know the next activities and you always should pay attention because in any moment the teacher can ask you something.
I feel progress in my English speaking due to the activities that we have done during the class. The only time I can speak English is during the class so I have to take advantage of that moment for practicing English speaking. In class sometimes I had problems with speaking activities because some words combined with others are tongue twisters or sometimes I did not know how to express the idea or the word that I thought. In those cases I really appreciated the understanding of my partners but especially by the teacher who made the corrections in a polite way.
I think it is very important the approach that this course has had because other courses focus in grammar rules or vocabulary, for example when I was in high school the teacher just talked and wrote in the blackboard and in the classroom there were about forty people so it was impossible that the teacher could talk with everyone and try to develop the speaking or listening skills.
The activities that we had were very dynamic and I never felt bored and the topics were always different, interesting or funny. That it is very important because if the topics are boring it is difficult to get interested in or if they are hard to understand I would not learned nothing or very little.
Something that I liked in this course was that I didn´t feel pressure about the grades and homework and I studied or did the homework in order to learn or understand. Finally the strong of these classes were the emphasis in the speaking and listening skills, and the time spend in those activities.  Some recommendations could be to make a review of the self study part of the book during the class and besides to include in the online component grammatical exercises.

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